Digitize India Platform Online Registration
Digitize India Platform a path-breaking initiative of the Government of India under Digital India Program. It was launched in 2015. And its main motto is to transform India into a digital knowledge-driven society and to make Indians digitally empower by increasing the availability of the required information digitally. It’s a platform, which is running with a core aim of digitizing almost every specific physical document of the organisation, and to reduce the load of the great amount of documents management by scanning the images of the documents and by extracting key data Fields of any specific documents. Digitize India Platforms overall main emphasise is on spreading transparent, fast and tangible digital knowledge among India’s all highly talented digital contributors. It is actually a type of specific data entry job, which deals with the transforming of the pixel to data of the bug volume documents. Since the period of Independence, almost every Government agencies have been facing numerous sorts of challenges, taking the finding of any specific documents and data collection of the big volume documents. But the arrival of the Digitize India Platform has eased this stress and lowered the trouble of both government officials and general digital contributor public in Online Data entry job. The portal of Digitize India serves primarily in the direction of digitisation service. It helps the needy citizens, those who are severely facing the challenges of the employment crisis. Under Digitize India Program any unemployed needy citizen can avail direct online govt. services opportunity directly from home, which are offered by the Government of India. Besides the remarkable job offering, Digitize India also facilitates various other important payment services too like different types of bill payments, Fee payments, Licenses, and Scholarship etc.
Benefits Of Digitize India Platform:
The immediate launch of Digitize India has brought swift progress and beneficial impact in every needy Indian citizen’s life. And these are the following:
- Under the Digitize India initiative, an umbrella project of great Digital India Platform a person can gain a scope of home-based government work in the form of freelancing and part-time.
- It has played a highly important role in reducing the burden of several government agencies by digitally enabled the important documents storage and management.
- Through it, bank account performs immediate benefit transfer of subsidies and payments.
- It provides digital identification by verifying the end user.
- It has led the study scope of the students in a greater amount by the simple Data Entry Work.
- Job opportunities in the IT departments have got increased in huge amount.
- The Bank account can easily be accessed from home.
- Both male and female are getting equal opportunities of apprenticeship to grow and shine.
How Does Digitize India Platform Work?
Digitize India Platform combines machine intelligence with cost-effective crowd sourcing model and produces a best innovative solution.
- It randomly serves snippet to contributors.
- When snippets are matched for converted data in the match engine.
- Correct entries obtain reward points for every correct digitalised word.
- Platform arranges the snippet text digitalised by the contributors.
- At last, documents are re-accumulated and then provided back to the organizsations.
- In a few simple and brief steps:
- पहले ये पहचानें कि कौन से डॉक्युमेंट को Digitize करने की जरूरत है.
- First find and identify the document that is requiring to digitize.
- उस डॉक्युमेंट का फॉर्मेट चेक कर लें. यह देख लें कि वो वैसा ही है या नहीं.
- Verify and check the format thoroughly whether it is similar or not.
- डॉक्युमेंट के जितने हिस्से को Digitize करने है उसे पता कर लें.
- Estimate the documents volume, which is required to digitize.
- इमेज की क्वालिटी को मिला लें और यह सुनिश्चित कर लें कि वह डॉक्युमेंट पढ़ने व समझने लायक हो.
- Match and check the image quality to ensure that it is worthy to human understanding and readable.
- Online Data Entry के लिए उस डॉक्युमेंट के मुख्य हिस्से को पहचाने.
- Identify the key data field of every document is needed to extract for Online Data Entry.
- अंत में डिपार्टमेंट के फ़ॉर्म में रजिस्टर कर दें या फिर //digitizeindia.gov.in पर मेल कर दें.
- At last register in the form of department or mail in Digitize India Platform for your knowledge and information on //digitizeindia.gov.in
How To Perfectly Register For Digitize India Platform?
Digitize Indiaregistration process will be quite easy after following these few key steps:
स्टेप 1: सबसे पहले वेबसाइट, //digitizeindia.gov.in खोलें.
Step1: First of all, opens the website //digitizeindia.gov.in
Digitize India
स्टेप 2: वेबसाइट को खोलने के बाद होम पेज पर जाकर रजिस्ट्रेशन या फिर जॉब मेंबरशिप के ऑप्शन पर क्लिक करें. उसके बाद ईमेल आईडी और पासवर्ड डालकर साइन अप करें. नई मेंबरशिप के लिए लॉगिन पर क्लिक करके सारी जानकारी भरें.
Step 2: Then, on the home page for registration or to take the job membership, hit the sign-up button by entering email id and the password detail, for the new membership click on log in and fill all the necessary entry.
Digitize India
स्टेप 3: अगले पेज पर आपको Digitize India Registration फ़ॉर्म दिया जाएगा. इस फ़ॉर्म में मांगी गई नाम, आधार नंबर, बैंक अकाउंट, जन्मतिथि, मोबाइल नंबर और अन्य मूलभूत जानकारियां भर दें.
Step 3: On the next page you will get a simple Digitize India registration form, asking you to fill some of your specific relevant information like full name, valid Aadhar card detail, bank account detail, Gender, Date of Birth, email-id, password, mobile no etc.
Digitize India
स्टेप 4: सारी जानकारी भरने के बाद दिए गए नंबर पर एक ओटिपी आएगा.
Step4: After completing the entire details OTP box will automatically be opened.
स्टेप 5: नंबर पर आए ओटिपी को भर दें.
Step5: Enter the OTP number, sent in your mobile.
स्टेप 6: अब इसके बाद Register Now बटन पर क्लिक करें. आपकी रजिस्ट्रेशन प्रक्रिया पूरी हो चुकी है.
Step6: Click on Register Now button and thus your registration process is complete.
Eligibility For Registration:
- The applicant is an Indian citizen.
- Having Validate Aadhar Card detail.
- Applicant should have a PC or laptop and uninterrupted internet connection.
- His/her Aadhar card should be connected with the bank account.
- Have good computer knowledge and have passed the computer knowledge test.
- His/her typing speed should be excellent.
Through Digitize India Platform, an individual cannot earn a substantial salary as he/she can mainly earn in the regular job. It is mainly built for the freelancers and per-time job seekers. With the help of Digitize India, any talented and proficient digitize contributor can earn from 5,000 up to 10,000 on daily basis, that though not seem little for many but yet is a big help and blessing for the needy job seekers.