Soil Health Card Scheme {मृदा स्वास्थ्य कार्ड योजना}


Soil health card scheme is initiated by the Government of India on 19 February 2015. Under this scheme, the government plans to issue soil cards to farmers that will take crop-wise recommendations of nutrients and fertilizer needed for each farmer to improve productivity through prudent use of inputs. All soil samples are required to be tested in many soil testing labs throughout the country. Then, the experts will find the weakness and strength of the soil and suggest measures to deal with it. The suggestions and results will be shown on the cards. The government plans to exude the cards to 14 crore farmers.

It is used to analyse the present status of the health of the soil and to identify the changes in the soil's health. The card shows soil health indicators and related descriptive terms. The signs are mainly based on practical experience and knowledge of farmers of local natural resources. The card list displays indicators which can be analysed without the help of technical or laboratory equipment. This scheme is strengthened by the department of agriculture & cooperation under the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' welfare. It is being applied via the department of agriculture of all the state and Union territory governments.

Key Features

  • This scheme will cover all areas of the country.
  • Government is planning to cover as many as farmers under this scheme.
  • In the form of soil cards, the farmers will get reports, and it will consist of all the details about the soil of the specific farm.
  • Farmers will get the soil cards in every three years.


The main objective of the soil health card scheme is to encourage soil test based and balanced use of fertilizer to enable farmers to realize higher yields at a lower cost. The main objective is to aware farmers about the particular amount of nutrients for the concerned crop depending on the quality of the soil.

What is Soil Health Card?

A soil health card is the printed form of a report in which a farmer will be handed over for each of his holdings. It will hold the status of his soil concerning 12 parameters. Based on parameters, the soil health card will also indicate fertilizer recommendations and soil amendments needed for the farm. The card has an advisory which is based on the soil nutrient status of a farmer's holding. It will display recommendations on the dosage of different nutrients needed. It will suggest the farmer on the fertilizers and their quantities he should apply and also the soil changes that he should undertake, to realize optimal yields.

Advantages of Soil Health Card Scheme

  • This scheme will help to detect the soil of the farmers well and give them a formatted report. So, they can determine well which crops they should cultivate and which ones they should skip.
  • The authorities will analyse the soil regularly. Every three years, they will give you a report to farmers. So, farmers don't need to worry if the nature of the land amends due to specific factors. Also, they will always have recent data about their soil.
  • The government's work can't stop at listing down measures needed to improve the quality of the land. They will also hire experts to help farmers in holding out the activities.
  • The soil card will provide the farmers with a decent idea of which nutrients their soil is required. Therefore, they also suggest in which crops they should invest and which fertilizers they required. So, the cropped result will get grow.
  • Farmers will get a detailed record of soil health. So, they will be able to plan the future of their crops and land.
  • In a soil health card scheme, the government is suffering attention in which the same person carries out soil analysis for a farmer. This will increase the effectiveness of soil.
  • The main aim of the soil health card scheme is to analyse the type of specific soil. And then, they give ways in which they can improve it. Even if the soil has some issue, later we can try something useful to get the most out of it. And this is actually what the government is trying to do with the help of soil health card scheme.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When and by whom the Soil health card scheme was launched?

Soil health card scheme is initiated by the Government of India on 19 February 2015.

Q: What is the main motive of this scheme?

The main motive of this scheme is to provide every farmer with a Soil Health Card in a Mission mode.

Q. What's the official website for this scheme?

The official website for this scheme is

Q: How the soil health card scheme will benefit farmers?

The main aim of the soil health card scheme is to examine the type of specific soil.