Free Bijli Yojana Online Apply

Recently Prime Minister Narendra Modi had launched the Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana of the Rs16,320-crore project which claims to offer electricity to more than 40 million of families in the urban and rural areas. This Free Bijli Yojana has gained quite a lot of interest amongst many people. Suffice it to say considering the features and benefits it offers there are so many people looking forward to being a part of it. However, there are some documents and eligibility requirements that need to be fulfilled.

What is the scheme all about?

This Free Bijli Yojana Apply scheme was ideally launched in the year 2015 but now has been relaunched with some major changes. The fund used for the scheme costs around quite in crores for the last mile connectivity so that those households that have frequent lighting issues will get the permanent solution. The primary focus on releasing this scheme was to make more than 20000 villages quite electrified. It was then realized that the electricity access problem was not really solved. Rather the villages have even declared to be electricized only if there is 10% of the electricity provided along with the public places like health center, school, and dispensaries to name some. 

Key Features:

Since most of the people are still not aware of this scheme, it is quite an interesting one. The details of it are:

  • The focus of the Bijli Yojana Online Apply scheme is to offer the infrastructure of the electricity to all those villages and offer the connection of electricity free of cost especially to those that are below the line of poverty which is BPL household

  • The scheme shall be connecting to all the rural and urban areas that are un-electrified and wish to take the power connection

  • The government is soon hoping to pump more than 16000 crores for this project and thus there will be more job opportunities that shall open too.

  • The scheme set is to offer many advantages to the poor households which can be envisaged with the per usage. The PM has also remarked that people who don’t have electricity are more like still living in the 18th century.

  • The power connection will cost around Rs 4000 which of course would be free of charge and there will not be any subsidy on the consumption of electricity on a monthly basis.

  • The meets of the power shall have the technology-driven registration, consumer billing, and even the payment option to avoid any kind of leakage.

How can this scheme be helpful?

Since there have been reports that state electricity distribution companies are not looking forward to supplying the villages no matter whether the electrification has already taken place. Considering this problem, the scheme has been designed to offer electricity access to households who have smart meters and even prepaid meters, and thus there will be more demand which would force the discoms to have a supply to such villages.

The benefits you need to know:

India is one of the largest countries with a lot of population. Of course, it thus makes the country one of the largest energy-consuming sources after the US and China. However, with the global climatic changes, the demand for electricity and its supply is not possible at each corner even if it has turned to be the best alternative for kerosene.  That is why, this scheme has come up for those corners of the country where the lights can be turned on and thus other areas will be improved like health, education, and also the metier affect connectivity for better economic activities.

Know the Objective:

The focus of this scheme is to offer energy to all the villages that are mile disconnected. This way the electricity connection shall be to all the -electrified households in not just urban areas but rural areas. This would help in achieving universal household electrification in the country

Know the project Beneficiaries

The free electricity connection beneficiaries would be identified with the help of socio-economic and even the caste census data. But the un-electrified households that were not covered under the data of SECC shall be included in the electrical connection as per the scheme for the payment of Rs 500. DISCOM shall recover it in 10 installments through electricity bill.

The solar power pack of 200 to 300 Wp using the battery bank for the household that are unelectrified are usually located in distant places and even in the areas that are inaccessible. It shall consist of Five LED lights, one DC fan, and a power plug as well. 

There will also be a 5 years contract of Repair and Maintenance that shall be included in this scheme.

Understanding the Implementation process

  • In order to have a smooth process of scheme implementation, there are modern technologies that can do their job. It shall be used for the household survey and for which the mobile app is needed.

  • The beneficiaries need to be identified and for this, their application for the connection of electricity along with the plot of an applicant needs to be done.

  • There should also be identity proof that needs to be registered on the spot.

  • There will be an institution of public or the Gram Panchayat in the rural area which shall be holding the authority to collect the application form with the whole documentations and even gather the revenue while consulting with the institution of Panchayat raj and the urban local bodies

  • The Rural Electrification Corporation Limited shall be the nodal agency focusing on the scheme operations throughout the country.

Expected outcomes of the scheme

Because of this scheme, there are many positive changes that a country shall gain such as:

  • Improved quality of life especially for women

  • Improvement education services

  • Enhanced connectivity through radio, television, mobiles, etc.

  • Environmental upgrade by substitution of Kerosene for lighting purposes

  • Better health services

  • Increased economic activities and jobs


With the large household numbers still struggling to get electricity, this scheme was introduced with an aim to make sure the household coverage is maintained. It is time that the government should come up with more such initiatives so that the country will soon no longer be a developing one but would be counted in a developed one.

Question and answers:

What is in the electricity connection and last-mile connectivity to the households?

The connection of the electricity to that of the household comes with the electricity connection release while drawing the service cable from the electricity pole that is nearby and attaching it to the household premise. There will also be an energy installation meter, working of the Single light using LET bulb and the mobile charging point.

Is this one of those schemes entailing the subsidy pay-out?

The answer is clearly no because there is no subsidy component for any consumption of the electricity that shall be done on the main basis and even for the public institutions in the rural areas, and the Gram Panchayat who of course would be authorized of carrying out the billing and even collect the tasks that have been pain points for the discoms.

Will the electricity connection be totally free of cost?

For those poor households that need the electricity connection, it shall be free of cost. Whereas there might be other households that would be offered the electricity connection under the payment scheme of Rs.500 for which DISCOm shall make the recovery along with electricity bills.