• CSC SPV and HDFC Bank recently inked an MoU under which HDFC CSC BC point will be made available to CSC VLE via CSC.
  • The duty of Common Service Centers (CSC) was launched by this deal, and CSC operators (VLE) to Hdfc Bank CSP were also provided. Hdfc bank recently released a connection through which Common Service Center Operators (CSC VLE) can log on to HDFC and complete all of their hdfc csp tasks.

What is the HDFC CSC BC point

  • According to an agreement between Common Service Center- CSC e-governance India Limited and HDFC Bank, about two lakh CSC VLEs across the country will be able to act as BC-CSPs or Banking Correspondents for HDFC Bank!
  • Customers of Common Facility Center Operators (CSC VLE) can open an HDFC bank account through this service. Customers' accounts can be opened as HDFC saving accounts or HDFC current accounts at Common Service Centers (CSC).
  • HDFC Loan services: – Loans are also available through the CSC hdfc bank, which allows common service centre operators to offer a variety of loans to the public, including the ones listed below.
    • HDFC Bank personal loan

    • HDFC Bank business loan

    • HDFC Bank tractor loan

    • HDFC loan for a car

    • HDFC loan for two-wheeler

  • More forms of loans are available through the hdfc bank's CSC operator under the hdfc loan service (CSC vle).

HDFC BC point registration on bank mitra portal

  • Step 1: Go to the CSC Bank Mitra Portal and click on the VLE Registration link

  • Step 2: Log in with your CSC ID and password.

  • Step 3: Select "New User" and "Submit."

  • Step 4: Document Required Will Be Read Once And Then Click "Continue."

  • Step 5: After that, the form will open in front of you; fill in all of the required information. 

  • Step 6: Fill in personal information such as your name, gender, marital status, and so on.

  • Step 7: Fill in the details for the BC Center - State, District, Sub District, Village, Pincode, Latitude, Longitude, and so on.

  • Step 8: Fill in the details for the nearest bank - the name of the bank, branch, IFSC code, and so on.

  • Step 9: Upload And Fill Out The Required Documents - Proof Of Identity (POI), Proof Of Address (POA), Copy Of Highest Educational Qualification, PAN Card, and so forth.

  • Step 10: Fill up the following information about your hardware: computer kind, connectivity type, network service provider, fingerprint device details, and so on.

  • Step 11: Fill in any remaining information, such as BC Campus, Manpower Availability, Employment Status, and so on.

  • Step 12: Double-check all of the information before submitting

  • Step 12: Finish the CSC Bank Mitra registration process.

  • After you've registered, you'll need to gather certain important documents and visit your nearest HDFC BANK branch manager.
  • Show the branch manager all of the documents listed above, as well as the police verification and Aadhar card, PAN card, and other identification documents. You must submit the documents to the BANK Manager, who will then begin the verification process and visit your CSC Center, where your shop and computer will be checked to see if you have all of the necessary equipment.
  • If you have all of the necessary equipment, your HDFC BANK CSP code will be generated, and your HDFC bank BC Point will be activated, allowing you to use HDFC bank BC point.
  • If you are having difficulty opening an HDFC CSP point account, you can seek assistance from your CSC District Manager. They will assist you in opening an HDFC CSP bc point.
  • HDFC bank BC point takes 10 to 15 days to be started.

How to do HDFC bank BC point login

  • After successfully navigating to the Hdfc Bank login page, you will be taken to the HDFC login page, where you will be requested for your hdfc Agent Id and OTP.
  • Enter your registered mobile number instead of Hdfc Agent Id. “This is the same mobile number you provided when you registered for HDFC CSP.”
  • Enter the registered mobile number, as well as the OTP, received via text message.
  • When you successfully log in to HDFC, you will be presented with a variety of options and services.
  • You will find the following options under the Csc Hdfc Banking Portal.

1. Hdfc Aadhaar Banking Services

2. transaction management

1. HDFC Bank Aadhaar banking services: This service entails the completion of the following procedures.

  • HDFC balance inquiry

  • HDFC Bank deposit

  • fund transfer

  • HDFC Bank mini statement

  • HDFC Bank withdrawal

2. Transaction management: This option allows you to view how many transactions you have completed as well as manage them.

Frequently asked questions

What to do for HDFC BC point registration?

For HDFC bc point registration, you must first contact your CSC district manager, who will open your HDFC current account and then supply you with the HDFC Bank CSP facility for additional information. You can view the video.

Is there a requirement for a Bank Mitra certificate for HDFC Bank CSP?

Yes, if you wish to take HDFC Bank CSP, CSC, you must first register on the CSC banking portal, and you must also have a BC (banking correspondent) or BF (banking business facilitators) certificate. To obtain a BC / BF certificate, you must first register with IIBF and then pass the IIBF EXAM. 

How To do hdfc bank bc point login?

The step by step process is laid out in the article above for hdfc bank bc point login.